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IWW Practice-W Exercise Archives
Nature Writing (Version 2)

These exercises were written by IWW members and administrators to provide structured practice opportunities for its members. You are welcome to use them for practice as well. Please mention that you found them at the Internet Writers Workshop (http://www.internetwritingwor kshop.org/).

Prepared by: Pam Hauck
Posted on: April 24, 2004
Reposted on: May 8, 2005
Reposted, revised, on:  June 17, 2007

Exercise:  In 400 words or less, create a scene in which the natural world plays an
important part. Show us how nature affects you or your character, paying attention
to descriptive details and sensory imagery, color and texture.

"Nature Writing" begins with observation of the natural world, and shows how  nature
 influences human experience or understanding. It uses all the senses in painting the
scene and becomes personal as the writer shows how those observations make an
impact in some way.

You might chronicle a walk in the woods that leads to a profound insight, show how
seeing pecking pigeons on a city windowsill brings wisdom of some sort to your
protagonist, or let a night sky filled with stars or storm clouds on the horizon lead
you or your character to some new understanding.

To see more details about nature writing, and some examples to prime your pen,
click here.  That site demands an "upbeat" ending for the work it publishes, but
in this exercise nature's impact may turn out to be negative as well as positive.

Exercise:  In 400 words or less, create a scene in which the natural world plays an
important part. Show us how nature affects you or your character, paying attention
to descriptive details and sensory imagery, color and texture.

Critiques: Can you "see" the writer's observations? Was the narrator's style
distinct and personal? Would you have done anything differently?

Web site created by Rhéal Nadeau and the administrators of the Internet Writing Workshop.
Modified by Gayle Surrette.