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IWW Practice-W Exercise Archives
Exercise: Every Move You Make (v. 2)

These exercises were written by IWW members and administrators to provide structured practice opportunities for its
members. You are welcome to use them for practice as well. Please mention that you found them at the
Internet Writers Workshop (http://www.internetwritingwor kshop.org/).

Prepared by: Rhéal Nadeau
Posted on: June 2, 2002
Reposted on: June 6, 2004 2008
Reposted on: August 28, 2005
Revised by: Bob Sanchez
Reposted on: July 20,

Exercise: Every Move You Make (v. 2)

Exercise: In 300 words or less, describe one or two characters using
physical cues only (no dialogue this time) so we know what each character is
thinking or feeling. Don't tell us what that feeling is: let us figure it
out on our own.


Experts say that the majority of communication is non-verbal, such as body
language and tone of voice. For example, how often have we known something
was wrong with a friend or loved one, even though that person hadn't said
so? If she crosses her arms and taps her foot, you know something is amiss.

The purpose of this exercise is to make us think about how we detect so much
about the people around us. What are the physical signs that someone is
angry, happy, tired, skeptical?


Exercise: In 300 words or less, describe one or two characters using
physical cues only (no dialogue this time) so we know what each character is
thinking or feeling. Don't tell us what that feeling is: let us figure it
out on our own.


Critics: When you critique, be sure to mention what you think the
character is experiencing.


Extracurricular activity: for one day this week, pay attention to the body
language of people you meet (strangers and acquaintances alike), and pay
attention to how much you can tell about them without any words being
exchanged. If you're feeling ambitious, try to see how different people use
different signals and cues.

Web site created by Rhéal Nadeau and the administrators of the Internet Writing Workshop.
Modified by Gayle Surrette.