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IWW Practice-W Exercise Archives
Exercise: My Precious

These exercises were written by IWW members and administrators to provide structured practice opportunities for its members. You are welcome to use them for practice as well. Please mention that you found them at the Internet Writers Workshop(http://www.internetwritingworkshop.org/).

Prepared by Kathy Highcove
Posted on: 16 April 2017
Reposted on: 3 May 2020
Reposted on: 30 April 2023


Exercise: In 400 words or less, create a scene in which someone hopes to
throw out, sell, or give away an object or a collection of objects stored
or displayed in a home. However, another person in this residence is not
in agreement with the plan. He/she sees worth in the object or

Your submission should describe the controversial object(s), provide
insight into both characters’ point of view, and give your readers a
hint of the final outcome.


We’ve often heard: Value is in the eye of the beholder. This saying is
especially apt when people try to agree on what merits storage or
display space in a home. A spirited discussion on this topic often
ensues between domestic partners or people sharing a house or

In this week’s submission, try to create such a scene. Your story
might center on a collection of old photos, an array of forty-year-old
bowling trophies, dusty boxes of antique dishware, a garbage bag
stuffed with hundreds of milk jug lids, or tottering stacks of washed
Styrofoam platters that once held ground beef.


Exercise: In 400 words or less, create a scene in which someone hopes to
throw out, sell, or give away an object or a collection of objects stored
or displayed in a home. However, another person in this residence is not
in agreement with the plan. He/she sees worth in the object or

Your submission should describe the controversial object(s), provide
insight into both characters’ point of view, and give your readers a
hint of the final outcome.


Critique: Were you able to visualize the item(s) under discussion?
Did you understand why the two people were in disagreement? Were their
arguments or explanations convincing? Could you imagine the outcome of
this scene? Did the story raise your interest? Why or why not?

Web site created by Rhéal Nadeau and the administrators of the Internet Writing Workshop.
Modified by Gayle Surrette.